Professional Finance Company USA Logo
100+ years recovering together

Professional Finance Company, Inc. is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.


PFC offers a simple, user-friendly online web payment portal, PayPFC, which details account balance information and allows for the ability to set up payment arrangements ( If you prefer to pay by phone, contact us at (855) 267-7451 and we will be happy to assist you.


Why am I receiving a call from PFC?

PFC services accounts that are placed for collection by creditors (hospitals, clinics, municipal services, retailers, etc.). If a creditor places an account for collection with PFC, it is because the creditor believes the account is past due and is a legitimate debt.

Why is PFC asking me to confirm my address, social security number, or date of birth?

PFC wants to be sure that it is speaking with the correct person and is not releasing information to an unauthorized party. Creditors provide information like social security numbers and dates of birth so that only a party responsible for paying an account can discuss a debt.

How do I know this is not a scam to get my private information?

PFC has had a physical presence in Colorado, in one form or another, for over 100 years. All of its employees are located in the United States and PFC is licensed to do business in every state in which it collects debts. We are proud of our A+ BBB rating, as well as our BBB Torch Award for Business Ethics, and urge you to visit our BBB profile for further information.

Consumer Resources

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Consumer rights are very important to us and we encourage you to understand your rights as a consumer. Please follow the link below to be directed to our list of consumer disclosures.

Consumer Disclosures

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The website,, is geared toward educating consumers about financial literacy and the accounts receivable management industry. Know My Debt delivers tips and clearly worded explanations aimed at helping consumers improve their financial literacy and resolve their debts. Know My Debt assists consumers seeking answers to common debt and credit-related questions.

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We are here to help you better understand your debt, and to address any comments and questions you may have. PFC representatives are available to assist you with any and all of your debt related questions. Please feel free to contact us at to share your experience with our office.

Federal Trade Comission (FTC) - What To Know About Debt Collection